group online program

8 week mind & body transformation program

The hr2 group program is designed to help people who are struggling in their daily life. 

Most people go through a period of uncertainty or find themselves coming up against what seems to be an insurmountable problem or emotional obstacle. 

The hr2 program offers a holistic approach to your wellbeing. By working on your health, mindset, relationships and life goals, you are able to reset any negative programming and become free to enjoy your life. 

The objective of this program is to enable you to let go of emotional baggage, lose your limiting beliefs and live your life to the fullest.


The hr2 program is an updated online version of the original Human Revolution program. 

More Confidence

Better Relationships

More Energy

Less Stress

Calmer Mind


Feel Stronger

Look Better

Real Focus

Weight Loss

Increased Happiness

More Resilience

Life Coaching

Over 20 hours of live interactive coaching with proven strategies to dramatically improve your life and personal circumstances..


Personalised science based fitness programs to transform how you look and feel. Gym, outdoor and home programs available.


Forget the fad diets and know the facts. Use our simple programs to lose weight, tone up, increase strength and find balance.


A first class support structure is guaranteed throughout. You will be held accountable to your goals. You will succeed!

yoga, fitness, woman
'Scott really knows his stuff...I feel like I have been given another chance at life.'
Sally Peterson

is easy...

As long as you have a smartphone, laptop, PC, or tablet and a standard connection to the internet, we are good to go….  

You do not need to be a technical genius to take part in the hr2 transformation program.

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‘Some people feel the rain, others just get wet’

 – Bob Dylan


When Is the next intake?

Dates to be confirmed.

Currently intakes are limited to 3 per year. 

What times do I need to be available?

You will need to be available for the online coaching for Wednesday evenings 7pm and Sundays at 10am for the duration of the 8 week program. The life work you do will be of a continuous nature during the program. 

HOw many people on each program?

4 to 8 people per group.

can I do this with a partner?

Yes. If you want to do this as a couple a 50% discount is available for the second person.

How do i apply?

This program is not for everyone. To get onto the program you need to have a free consultation with Scott to assess whether this is right for both parties. Click on the button below to organise an appointment. 

how much is the hr2 program?

£799 for the full 8 weeks.  I do offer one half price scholarship place per program for those who need financial help.